钓鱼吗旗下产品: 钓鱼吗

麦克米伦(双语)| 钓鱼还是钓垃圾 ?



 钓鱼还是钓垃圾 ?

来自 Lets Recycle


吉尔和杰克住在海边。Jill and Jake live by the sea. 每天,他们都在沙滩上玩。Everyday, they play on the beach. 他们也在沙滩上吃东西。They also eat on the beach.

“今天游泳完了好饿啊,这饼干很好吃。I’m hungry after swimming. The biscuits are yummy.”

“我喜欢这个柠檬水,我今天捡了几个很漂亮的贝壳。I like this lemonade. By the way, I picked a few pretty shells today.”

“喝完啦,看谁把罐子扔的远。Drink up, let’s see who can throw the cans the farthest. 一二三! One , two ,three!”

就这样,他们把饮料罐子和空盒子扔在了海里。Just like that, they threw the drink cans and empty boxes into the sea.

在大海的另一端,住着安娜和亚努克。他们在海边钓鱼。At the other side of the sea, two children, Anak and Yanuk are fishing.

钓鱼竿动了。The fishing pole moved.

“亚努克,好像有鱼上钩了。“ Yanouk, I’ve got a fish.

“一起把鱼竿拉上来。Let’s pull it up together.“

“什么嘛。不是鱼What! It’s not a fish. “

“原来是只塑料袋。“It’s a plastic bag.

鱼竿又动了。The fishing pole moved again.

“安娜,这下肯定有鱼了。Anak, this time must be a fish.“

“哎呀,又不是鱼,是一只饮料罐子。Oh no, it isn’t a fish. It’s a drink can.“

他们钓了一天的鱼,却钓上来了 。。。After fishing all day, they got …

“九只罐子,四个瓶子Nine cans, four bottles.“

“七个塑料袋,五只盒子。Seven plastic bags, and five boxes.“

“我们要怎么样才能告诉人们不要往海里乱扔垃圾呢? How can we tell people not to throw litter in the sea?“

“我们写封信给他们吧。Let’s write a letter to them.“

“好主意,然后请猫头鹰帮我们送信。Good idea, and the owl can deliver it.“

过了几天,在海边,吉尔和杰克还在玩沙子。A few days later, by the sea, Jill and Jake are playing with sand.

“我们的沙滩城堡做好啦。Our sand castle is ready.“

“那我们吃点东西吧。Let’s eat.“

“看,猫头鹰来了。嘴里有封信。Look, there’s an owl, it’s got a letter.“

他们打开信。They opened the letter.

“亲爱的朋友,我叫亚努克,我住在大海的另一端。Dear friend, my name is Yanuk, I live on the other side of the sea.“

“你们扔的垃圾伤害了海洋生物。请你们做好垃圾回收。Your rubbish is killing the animals in the sea. Please recycle your rubbish.“

“让我们一起保护美丽的大海。谢谢Let’s protect the beautiful sea. Thank you.“

洁儿和杰克看着自己扔下的瓶子,盒子、塑料袋和罐子。Jill and Jake looked at the empty bottles, bags, boxes and cans on the beach.

“杰克,我们把垃圾扔到垃圾回收箱里吧Jake, lets find some recycling bins.“

““好的。这个垃圾箱可以扔玻璃瓶,那边那个是扔纸盒的。Sure. This bin is for recycling glass. That one is for paper.”

“还有这个,扔金属垃圾。旁边这个是塑料。And this, for metal. The one next to it, is for recycling plastic”

他们把海滩上所有的垃圾都捡走了。They picked up all the rubbish on the beach.

在大海的另一端。。。On the other side of the sea…

“喔吼!我钓着一条大鱼!Woohoo! I’ve got a big fish.“

“太棒啦,没有垃圾,只有好多好多的鱼。It’s fantastic! No litter and lots of fish.“


麦克米伦学习时间:Bottle, box, plastic bag, can, litter


