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原创 2017-03-21


pale into insignificance

经济学人在曼德拉逝世后写了一篇社论报道 Invictus, 文章对曼德拉的评价非常客观,值得一读。阅读链接:



第二段开头第一句的大意是“但是,当把他的这些缺点——以及南非在他退休之后的沉沦——置于他的全部成就的光芒之下时,它们就显得黯然失色了”,这是一个写得很棒的对比句型。句子中的 pale into insignificance 是一个短语,意思是“相比之下微不足道,相形失色”,set against 则表示“与…作对比,把…放在一起考虑”

写作论证时可以借鉴"...pale into insignificance when set against..."这个句型,比如阐述无人驾驶技术的好处时可以说:

The shortcomings of self-driving car pale into insignificance when set against the great benefits it will bring to us --a plunge in road accidents and less pollution.

on an emotional roller-coaster 

形容人的情绪起伏可以有很多种表达,比如可以用 oscillate/fluctuate/seesaw/up and down

1.He oscillated between happiness and  despair.

2.Her attitude towards me oscillated/fluctuated between friendship and hostility.

3.His mind seesawed between hope and despair all through those weeks.

4.She's been very up and down since her husband went into hospital. 

在经济学人的特别报道 Founder's Blues 中出现了一个表达:

对于创业公司CEO每天面对的巨大压力,文中有一个很生动的描述,"on an emotional roller-coaster ",心情像在坐过山车一样,各种跌宕起伏。roller coaster 除了可以表示过山车外,还可以表示情况的起伏不定,如:

1.Share prices have been on a roller coaster these last few days.

2.Steve Jobs was revered by many not only because of his strategic vision and showmanship ,but because of the roller coaster life he experienced.

"In the morning you feel everything is on the right track and in the evening everything seems in the gutter" , on the right track 是指处在正确的路线上,in the gutter 则是指处于糟糕的状况中,两者刚好形成对应,很有对称感。

a mixed blessing

怎样描述一件事情既有优点又有缺点呢? 一般可以用 the pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages) of something



a mixed blessing (a situation that has both good and bad parts) 在中文里有“喜忧参半”的意思。当在议论文里面要说明一件事既有好处又有坏处的时候,我们可以用上"something is a mixed blessing",然后进行展开。这个句式结构并不难,难的是如何恰当地描述事物的优缺点,写作者的背景知识积累就显得很关键了。


1.Working in a big city is a mixed blessing.It is so convenient and comfortable there,but noise pollution and traffic congestion are two big headaches.

2.Many scientists said discovering the power of the atom was a mixed blessing as it led to nuclear power, but it also made nuclear weapons possible.

throw the baby out with the bathwater

经济学人的 Letters版块刊登了每周的读者来信,由于杂志的定位为面向全球高端人群,所以给经济学人写信的读者也较为高端,包括大学教授,高层政府官员,国际组织负责人,甚至还有国家元首。很多信件都写得像GRE作文一样严谨,可读性也很高。下面是一个例子:

"throw the baby out with the bathwater" 这一说法来自德语中的"das Kind mit dem Bade ausschütten".

传说在中世纪的欧洲,全家人很久才洗一次澡,首先是父亲洗,然后是母亲洗,最后是孩子洗,孩子洗的时候水已经很脏了,家人有时候会直接把水倒掉,而忘记了在水中的孩子,所以有 "throw the baby out with the bathwater" 这样的说法, 即倒洗澡水的同时把孩子也一起倒掉,引申为不分精华糟粕全盘否定(来自英文维基百科)。


在这里指国会为了防止海外税务犯罪而牺牲了其他美国人的利益。"throw the baby out with the bathwater" 也是一个万能句型,比如我们可以说:

The authorities should not throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to launching campaign against pornography on the Internet.

power the engine & power the engineers

下面的段落出自文章 Ancient and modern mariners ,主要对航运史进行介绍。

这个段落真正的亮点在最后一句话 "Even in the ship’s bowels, the strongest odour is not the fuel oil used to power the engine but the coffee used to power the engineers." 句子读起来很带感,让人印象深刻:即使是在船底,最浓重的气味不是来自驱动引擎的燃油,而是来自驱动工程师的咖啡。

通过 power the engine 和 power the engineers 的对比,说明咖啡对船上工程师们的重要性,也从侧面说明了他们在海上生活的单调和孤寂。小说 The Kite Runner 中有一个情节是主人公最后要带小男孩从阿富汗回美国,但中间经历了很多思想挣扎,其中的一个句子也有异曲同工之妙



