钓鱼吗旗下产品: 钓鱼吗


澳洲网 2017-03-20




CNN发表了一篇由国际人道协会动物保护与危机应对主任Adam Parascandola撰写的文章,其观点是:狗狗不是食物,它们是人类的好朋友。



To millions around the world, these dogs are friends and companions -- never to be abused or eaten.


Yulin needs to go much further by canceling this cruel "festival" outright.


Every year an estimated 10 million dogs are consumed for meat in China, according to a 2014 commercial report on the dog meat industry published by ASKCI.


同时,CNN还刊登了另一篇观点相左的文章,来自英国哲学家、作家Julian Baggini,他提出疑问:吃狗肉真的那么十恶不赦吗?



In the West, reaction is divided between those who vigorously condemn the festival and those who claim that it is a kind of cultural imperialism to judge China by our own values.


But they are simply hypocritical when they come from carnivores who happily eat intensively reared pigs, or even from vegetarians whose milk and cheese comes from cattle kept in such poor conditions that large swathes of the herds are lame.



Seeing one video of one dog being beaten is not enough to condemn the whole festival, just as knowing that there have been abuses in some Western abattoirs does not condemn the whole meat industry.



Ultimately this is an issue for the Chinese to resolve themselves.


美国《国家地理》杂志(National Geographic)的报道是对狗肉节的概况以及中国和西方的声音进行了一些梳理。



The festival, while organized by private citizens and businesses, is not officially endorsed by the Chinese government, at either the local or national level. Local support is mixed, with some enthusiastically welcoming visitors from out of town and others complaining that it gives their area a bad name.


《国家地理》的这篇报道整体对狗肉节持反对态度,文章还引用了美国国会议员Alcee L. Hastings的话:“狗肉交易对动物是残忍的,甚至还包含偷窃宠物的违法行为,此外也对人类健康造成威胁,世界卫生组织认为狗肉交易可能会带来霍乱和狂犬病。”

The trade involves animal cruelty, criminal activity including theft of pets, and serious risk to human health, with the World Health Organization linking the trade to cholera and rabies.



The festival organizers dispute those claims, arguing that the dogs are killed humanely. In response to criticism, they have also said the dogs won't be killed in public any more.


英国《独立报》(The Independent)网站采访了善待动物组织主任Mimi Bekhechi, 他表示,“玉林狗肉节受到国际社会和不少中国人的谴责,是因为我们大部分人反感宰杀、烹饪和食用狗这种我们熟悉和喜爱的动物。当然,在英国被宰杀的动物也和玉林狗肉节里的狗一样遭遇了悲惨经历,为什么宰杀和食用其他动物不该引起同样的反感?这个问题并没有理性的解释。”

The Yulin dog-meat festival is condemned internationally and by many people in China itself these days because, for most of us, the idea of killing, cooking and eating dogs – animals we know and love – is revolting..

Of course, there's no rational reason why the idea of dismembering and devouring any animal shouldn't elicit the same revulsion – especially when animals killed for the table in Britain face horrors just like those the dogs in Yulin experience.

《国际财经时报》(International Business Times)网站则质疑:为什么我们反对吃狗肉却不反对吃羊肉呢?



Dogs killed and eaten in Yulin are regularly transported there from other cities. They are loaded into small cages and put on lorries, which may then travel for hundreds of miles to Yulin. The animals are often deprived of food, water and rest along the way. The same is true for millions of sensitive sheep, cows and other animals in the EU. Countries such as Ireland and France regularly export live animals to places as far away as Jordan and Libya. These living beings are loaded onto ships and lorries for hellish journeys often of thousands – not hundreds – of miles, only to meet their violent end.



Whether a fish or a dog, a chicken or a sheep, no animal wants to suffer and die for our palate. Pointing a finger at other cultures is easy – what's harder is facing the faults in our own behaviour and correcting them. Yes, let's be outraged by the cruelty that takes place during the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, but let's not be hypocrites about it. We should extend our compassion to all animals, not just dogs, by leaving them off our plates.



